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My Story

I'm a maker ...

Anyone who knows me knows that I love to make things and I approach life creatively, in everything I do.


Those who know me also know that I also love to make a lot of different things - much to my detriment some days and my ability to focus on one thing.


I paint, sculpt, create multimedia pieces, make jewelry and write.  My newest favorite medium is acrylics finished with epoxy.  IT's like your looking into a secrete world.

Artist Profile

Lori Anne comes from a family of artists and has been creating  beautiful things for over 30 years.  Her  interests and talent resides mostly with writing, acrylics and jewelry but of late, has discovered a passion for encaustics and multi-media pieces including using pour techniques and epoxy.


Most recently, she has turn to the sea and the garden for inspiration for inspiration which are both profiled in her current online show - Surf and Bloom.


Lori Anne  sells primarily from her  online store with her pieces being in held in private collections in  central Canada, on the west coast and in the  territories,


Fierce Creative Studios - 2016

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